As part of FireLake’s “Retail Excellence” commitment, we strive to provide our customers a quality shopping experience at reasonable costs. We accept valid coupons according to our policy below. These guidelines are subject to change at any time.
General Guidelines:
- We reserve the right to limit or reject any manufacturer, internet or digital coupons
- Expired coupons, photocopied coupons, or coupons for items not carried in our store will not be accepted
- Customers must pay sales tax as required by law on a coupon
- The number of coupons cannot exceed the number of items in the transaction, nor can the value of the coupons exceed the current purchase price of the items in the transaction. We cannot give cash back if the face value of a coupon is greater than the purchase value of the item
- Limit one coupon per item
- We are not responsible for lost or stolen coupons
- We cannot accept coupons from other retailers
- Coupons cannot be exchanged for cash or gift cards
- Coupons should have a scannable bar code
- Cashier may ask for any coupons at the beginning of the transaction
Internet Coupons:
- No beer or tobacco internet coupons accepted
- Valid internet coupons printed MUST be in color
- We will not accept internet coupons for $5.00 or more
- We will not accept internet coupons for “free-items”, but will accept them for “buy one-get one free” items
- All the above stated general guidelines applies to internet coupons